Spitfire Symphonic Strings Evolutions
Spitfire Symphonic Strings Evolutions provides endless amounts of textural layers, making this inspirational, flexible and tactile string library a must-have.
Beautiful, instantly playable symphonic string textures
Composers are forever being asked to make meaningful music that sits easily under dialogue without diverting attention away from the scene. Our Evo Grid technology, based on an easy-to-use evolution engine, allows you to create and perform engaging, sophisticated and emotional music from the most simplistic of arrangements. Spitfire Symphonic Strings Evolutions marries this concept with the majesty of a symphony-sized string section recorded at the legendary Air Studios.
As a layering tool it can bring static arrangements to life with elegant, modern and progressive orchestral techniques, plus solve one of the harder aspects of media composition: effective gradual transitions from one state to another. The hands-on grid and access to endless amount of textural layers make this inspirational, flexible and tactile string library a must-have.
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Spitfire Audio App required
60 players
48 Evolutions
Kontakt Player
Listen to Spitfire Symphonic Strings Evolutions

The Evo Grid
Based on the EMS VCS3 synth, this extraordinary and unique interface allows for instant gratification and customisation. With 1 or 2 clicks, you will be armed with something totally unique and inspiring. Scroll the Evo Grid to discover and activate Evos that are not visible. Pan and tweak each Evo for perfect blending. Punch in or out 3 useful modulators and effects. Mix your mic positions, all from the front panel.

The overview panel
This is the main interface for melodic instruments. Its default view displays all available playing techniques, has a simple microphone mixer and includes the main feature controllers.
What's included
Main Evo Grid
- Symphonic Strings Evolutions
Individual Evolutions
- Vibrato Movement
- Ordinare to Dolce Trem
- Ordinare to Dolce Pulse
- Static Tasto to Pont
- Pulse to Sul Pont Trem
- Static Timbre Harmonics
- Ordinare to Fast Light Bow
- Pont Trem to Pulsing Bow
- Ordinare to Heavy Bow
- Tasto to Semitone Trill
- Tasto to Wholetone Trill
- Ordinare to Sul Tasto Trem
- Pont to Pont Semitone Trill
- Pont to Pont Wholetone Trill
- Tasto to Pont
- Tasto Light Bow to Dolce
- Pulse Trem to Harmonics
- Static Harmonics with Pedal
- Tasto to Semitone Trill and Pedal
- Tasto to Wholetone Trill and Pedal
- Light Bow to Pont Overtones
- Harmonic Whisps
- Harmonic Whisps Sul Pont
- Note Phasing
- Note Phasing Sul Pont Trem
- Trem Shudders Tasto
- Trem Shudders Pont
- Pont Attacks
- Harmonic Pulse 1
- Harmonic Pulse 2
- Light Bow to Pont Overtones with Pedal
- Harmonic Pulse with Vib
- Harmonic and Ordinare Pulse
- Ordinare to Heavy Bow Harmonic Whisps
- Pont Attacks with Sul Tasto Trem
- Pont Trill with Trem Shudders
Modestly extreme
- Accented Lilting Pulse
- Pulsing downbows CS
- Cross String CS
- Bending Trem Cloud
- Heavy Bow with Pulsing Bends Up
- Heavy Bow with Pulsing Bends Down
- Harmonic Whisps with Overtones Bent Up
- Harmonic Whisps with Overtones Bent Down
- Static Harmonics with Overtones Bent Up
- Static Harmonics with Overtones Bent Down
- Trem to Shudders to Pont Attacks with Cross Strings
- Tasto to Phasing to Shudders to Pulsing Downbows
Curated presets
- 1-12 Step Down Diagonal
- 1-12 Step Up Diagonal
- 13-24 Step Down Diagonal
- 13-24 Step Up Diagonal
- 25-36 Step Down Diagonal
- 25-36 Step Up Diagonal
- 37-48 Step Down Diagonal
- 37-48 Step Up Diagonal
- A Beautiful Start
- All The Harmonics
- Bends Down
- Bends Up
- Bow Changes
- Episodic Bow Changes
- Episodic Whispers
- Shuddering Tremulations
- Soft Tremulations
- Tense Tasto
Tech specs
Mac system requirements
Mac OS 11, 12 or 13
Both Intel and Apple Silicon/ARM are supported
Minimum: 2.8GHz i5 minimum (quad-core), 8GB RAM
Recommended: 2.8GHz I7 (six-core), 16GB RAM
32-bit systems are not supported.
PC system requirements
Windows 10 or Windows 11 - (Latest Service Pack, 64-bit)
Minimum: Intel 2.8 GHz i5 (quad-core) or AMD Ryzen 5, 8GB RAM
Recommended: Intel Core i7 6th gen and later or AMD Ryzen 7, 16GB RAM
32-bit systems are not supported.
File size
~4703 samples
27.7 GB download size
55.40 GB disk space required during install
Too large to download? Choose hard drive delivery at checkout
Kontakt player
Kontakt Full or Kontakt Player 5.6.8 or higher